Post by account_disabled on Dec 3, 2023 10:46:48 GMT
We will only try to show examples of what such a settlement will look like with specific numbers. VIn the first example, this will be a change that took effect in July. In the second example, we will describe the change in the amount of the foreign allowance from November . The third example will concern the settlement of the national allowance during the transitional period in connection with the change in its amount from January. Example The employee went on a business trip on July , , from . on July , until . The stay on a business trip amounted to a total of hours, which is days and hours, which means that days are taken into account when calculating the business trip, for photo editing servies which the employee should receive a per diem payment. Depending on the settlement method adopted, the amount of the allowance will be as follows Type of method Amount of allowance Method I x Method II according to the calculation First days of travel from . on July , to . on July , x The next days of travel from. Method III . in accordance with with the calculation below hours of business travel consists of hours at the old per diem rate from . on July , to on July , hours at the new per diem rate from. Undoubtedly, the calculation according to method I is the simplest and amounts to the highest amount that he should receive employee. Since there is no transitional provision, it seems that settling. For the calculations in examples and , we no longer provide method I, because the October Regulation clarifies the settlement rules in the transitional period.