Post by pigeonpie on Apr 9, 2012 10:50:00 GMT
TAXIASSOCIACIÓ RADIOTAXI MENORCATel: 971.36.71.11 / 971.48.22.22 www.taximenorca.es / taxi@taximenorca.esBUSES- AUTOBUSOS I TRANSFERS AUTOCARES TORRES(servei discrecional, excursions i línia regular) C/ Sastres, 3 – Ciutadella Tel:902.07.50.66 / 971.38.64.61 Fax: 971.38.40.93 www.e-torres.net / torres@infotelecom.es AUTOCARES VIDAL(servei discrecional, turístic, lloguer amb conductor i excursions) Avda. Mar, 28 – Es Migjorn Gran Tel: 971.37.02.20 Fax: 971.37.02.02 www.autocaresvidal.com / AUTOCARES NORTE S.L / NORBUS(Trasllats, excursions, turístic…) C/ Bajolí, 7, POIMA Maó Tel: 971.36.66.00 Fax: 971.36.65.70 Oficina Ciutadella: 971.48.00.48 www.norbus.es / info@norbus.netTRANSPORTES MENORCA S.A (TMSA)(Servei regular ) C/ Rodees, 5 – Maó Tel: 971.36.04.75/ Fax 971.35.40.07 www.tmsa.es / comercial@tmsa.esAUTOS FORNELLS (VALENTÍ ROCA TRIAY S.L)(servei discrecional, servei escolar i línia regular) C/Governador, 10 – Fornells Tel: 686.93.92.46 / 696.92.58.08 www.autosfornells.com / autosfornells@autosfornells.comAUTOBUSES MAHÓN S.A(Servei discrecional de passatgers) Avda Circumval·lació PM 6-C - Polígon Industrial de Sant Lluís Tel: 971.36.55.21 autobusesmahon@serviciospronet.comAUTOCARES SALINS(Trasllats esportius, escolar, excursions, turístic…) C/Bajolí, 7 – POIMA, Maó Tel i Fax 971.35.03.02 www.salins.esNURABUS(Trasllats esportius, escolar, excursions, turístic…) C/Des Ramal,75 - Alaior Tel: 660.65.39.08 / 971.36.68.86 www.nurabus.com / bus@nurabus.com BERLINAS MENORCA S.L.(Lloguer de cotxes amb conductor i transfers) Tel: 971.36.46.76 / Móvil: 687.88.65.70 Fax: 971.36.38.26 www.berlinasmenorca.com / info@berlinasmenorca.com
Post by jestin65 on Feb 5, 2013 13:10:43 GMT
This is a very good information for those who visit there for the first time like me. I think the public transport is very good instead of your own vehicle. I have a plan to go there for the first time so this is a great knowledge for me.
Post by pigeonpie on Feb 5, 2013 14:12:03 GMT
Depènding where you are staying James to save money they do a ariport bus that takes you directly from the airport the the Mahon bus station. From there you can catch any bus to your destination. Every penny counts and more to spend on your holiday